Foaling season is a very exciting time of year, but it can also be very nerve racking. Owners that are novice at foaling mares out as well as seasoned veterans should know the basics of parturition (birth) and be prepared for any emergency. BEH offers foaling services to help ensure a favorable outcome for the mare, foal, and client.
Below is a document every mare owner should read (and print) to help prepare for the foaling experience. Key things to note: always have a veterinarian’s number handy (saved in cell phone, written on stall wall, on magnet on barn door, etc.) because dystocia (trouble foaling) is one of the very true equine emergencies where every minute matters as far as the outcome of the life of the foal and the mare.
It is extremely important to be prepared for any emergency, and this includes not just having our phone number handy, but having a truck and trailer ready to bring your mare to the hospital because there are some situations that can not be managed in the field.
The birth process for mares is very different than for people, and once a mare goes into labor, the foal should be delivered as quickly as possible, usually within 20 minutes. Additionally, she should be making progress on pushing the foal out every 5-10 minutes. If 10 minutes has passed and the mare is in active labor, and no progress has been made, call us immediately. This can be a sign that there is a problem with foaling.
Occasionally, things in the birthing process do not go as planned. When this happens, having a plan in place beforehand can be the difference in a successful outcome versus a disappointing outcome.
Things to consider ahead of time:
- Do I have a foaling kit ready?
- Do I have the phone number for BEH close at hand?
- Do I have a truck and trailer ready (mine or a friend’s) that would be available if an emergency did occur?
- Is the mare or the foal more valuable to me?
- Is surgical intervention (C-section) something I would consider for my mare?
Foaling Services
Burleson Equine Hospital is proud to offer foaling services. We have 24 hour staffing as well as video monitoring and a FoalAlert system. Every birth is attended to by at least one technician and one doctor, with other team members readily available if further assistance is needed. The stalls are equipped with stall-side oxygen and our team members are well trained in the birthing process as well as resuscitative procedures. Your mare and foal will recieve excellent care in our foaling suites, and your foal will receive continuous monitoring for 3 days following foaling to ensure they get the best start in life. Please contact our office manager, Lisa, for more information and pricing.
This package is designed for the owner that wants the healthiest start possible for their foal. This package includes 5 days in a large hospital foaling stall with continuous monitoring, placement of a Foalert© device. An experienced doctor and technician attend the delivery of every foal, and assist when needed. Your mare will be closely monitored for passing of the placenta and an examination of the placenta will be performed. The mare will be dewormed to prevent the foal from ingesting parasites through the milk. The mare and foal will spend quality time together bonding, and we will intervene only if medically necessary for the well-being of your mare or foal.
Twelve hours after birth, the mare will receive a post-foaling physical examination the foal will receive a complete new foal examination and a plasma transfusion. An IgG test that measures antibody levels and a complete blood cell count (CBC) with packed cell volume and total protein measurement will be performed.
Classic Foaling Package
This package is our traditional foaling package that includes 5 days of board in our large hospital foaling stalls with continuous monitoring and placement of a Foalert© device, as well as the presence of a doctor and technician at each birth. An examination of the placenta will be performed.
Twelve hours after foaling, the mare will receive a post foaling physical examination and the foal will receive a complete new foal examination. IgG test and CBC is recommended for every newborn foal and can be performed at an additional cost. Plasma must be administered to foals that do not have adequate levels of IgG.
Premium Foaling Package
This package is designed for the owner that wants the healthiest start possible for their foal. This package includes 5 days in a large hospital foaling stall with continuous monitoring, placement of a Foalert© device. An experienced doctor and technician attend the delivery of every foal, and assist when needed. Your mare will be closely monitored for passing of the placenta and an examination of the placenta will be performed. The mare will be dewormed to prevent the foal from ingesting parasites through the milk. The mare and foal will spend quality time together bonding, and we will intervene only if medically necessary for the well-being of your mare or foal.
Twelve hours after birth, the mare will receive a post-foaling physical examination the foal will receive a complete new foal examination and a plasma transfusion. An IgG test that measures antibody levels and a complete blood cell count (CBC) with packed cell volume and total protein measurement will be performed.