Equine Reproduction Services for Mare and Stallion Owners
Burleson Equine Hospital is able to offer many reproductive services to our clients.All patients are monitored 24 hours a day by veterinarians and trained technicians. Our foaling service allows owners to rest assured that their mare and foal are utmost priority. We monitor each mare with a FoalAlert® device that sends a signal alerting us of the impending birth. Our large foaling stalls (12X24) let the mare select the most comfortable spot to give birth and all stalls have cameras that are live 24/7. Each foaling is attended to by a veterinarian as well as at least one technician who are there to assist in the delivery process. If for some reason there is a problem during birth, we have an on-site obstetric surgical center to assist in getting the foal out as soon as possible. After birth, the foal and mom are allowed to develop their bond in the first impressionable hours, but are still attended to by our staff. At 12 hours of age, we will test the foal for passive transfer as well as perform a complete new foal examination, along with a complete mare exam that includes lavage and infusion should we rebreed on foal heat.
If you have a mare that needs breeding, we can handle the reproductive cycle from initial preparation of your mare with ultrasound to coordination between the stallion owner, semen transport, and breeding. Whether you have chosen a stallion locally or one that requires the use of cooled or frozen semen, our veterinarians and equine health technicians will use the latest technology to get her settled and back home in the most efficient manner. We offer fresh, cooled and frozen semen breeding, mare synchronization, uterine lavage and infusions, uterine cultures and biopsy, cyst removal, and advanced reproductive techniques such as ovariectomy, hysteroscopy, urethral extensions and rectovaginal fistula repair. In addition, Dr. Jordan has been performing embryo transfer for several years and offers this option for show mares, older mares with uterine cysts, or mares with abnormal anatomical conditions.We are also happy to help you with the collection needs of your stallion. We offer on-site dummy training, ground collection training, and breeding soundness exams. Whether you simply want to check the fertility of your stallion or you want to collect your stallion for fresh or cooled breeding, we can handle it.