Equine Surgery by Board Certified Equine Surgeon in Texas
Burleson Equine Hospital offers a state of the art surgical suite with a Board Certified Surgeon available at all times should your horse have a soft tissue or orthopedic surgical need.
All doctors can offer minor surgical services (such as routine castration, enucleations, and laceration repair) in the hospital or at your farm. For more in-depth procedures, such as diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy, fracture fixation, and tendon surgeries, patients are brought to the hospital and surgery is performed by our board certified equine surgeon, Dr. Amy Armentrout.
Procedures commonly performed include wound revisions, conjunctival graphs, cryptorchid castrations, umbilical hernia repair, prosthetic laminoplasties (tie-backs), flap sinusotomies, tendon and ligament surgeries, emergency exploratory laparotomies for colic, enucleations, ovariectomies, fracture repair, and arthroscopic chip removal.
Surgery doesn’t just end in the surgery suite. Our doctors are committed to every case from the time it presents with a problem until discharge, and they are available for follow-up recheck examinations as well as phone consultations for referring veterinarians.